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9th grade growth

My greatest growth this year...

     My greatest growth this year would be in my ability to understand and think of math differently. I have significantly grown with my understanding and outlook on this subject. I have always had my math grade’s average to about a C and this was because of my “Fixed Mindset” towards this subject. At the beginning of this year, I stayed consistent with my “average” and failed the first two quarters. I viewed math as no matter what I do I would never understand it, including, no matter how hard I tried. It got to that point where I just did not care and wanted it to be over with it, so I did not try on my homework at all or ask questions if I did not understand. Finally, in third quarter I got my act together and tried harder actually making an effort. Then when it came time for a quiz I surprisingly passed with and 86%. After this and my overall grade of a B, my mindset has changed drastically. I no longer look at math in the way that I could never understand it. Instead, I see it as simply something I have to try harder at and stay focused on. I am also learning it is possible for math to be fun. Since then my confidence in my ability to learn ad understand has risen and motivated me further to work hard at math.​

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