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   What do I need to know about Flamingos in their migration and mating season in order to prepare myself to become a zoologist or pursue a job in that field?

Genius Hour Project

My research process...

1. I wanted to know why flamingos are pink

2. What they eat and how they eat it   

3.Then I wanted to know about flamingos migration 

4.What types of flamingos there are

5.After that I found out about their babies, and what happens before they hatch? 

6. I also wanted to know what are flamingos main causes of death?

7. Zoology was next since the whole reason I was researching this topic was because I wanted to get a sense of types of things zoologist might research and take a sneak peak at a possible career.

Some really cool facts I learned......
  1. Flamingos are similar yet so different  to other birds that scientist had to create a new scientific classification for their species.

  2. When a baby flamingo is first hatching it has a growth on the outside of its beak to help it break its shell.

  3. 5% of flamingos at Lake Magadi in Africa Die of just predation.

  4. In Chicago there is a statue known as the Calder Red that was made to resemble a flamingo. It was built in 1974.

Answer to my driving question......

Through all this research I found that For me to become a zoologist there really isn't any bulk of information I can learn about flamingos that will prepare me completely for what lies ahead. Zoologist spend their careers studying and helping all different types of animals, their job is to learn more and more about the animals and its behaviors. But, in order to get there I will need to get a college degree in zoology, biology, wildlife biology or ecology. 

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