Rachel Woodroof
Hello welcome to my 8th grade projects page. The 8th grade takes a lot of collaboration, so this school year I feel like I grew the most in collaboration. I chose this because at my last school we never did any group work or projects. So, I didn't really know what it’s supposed to be like. Here in DRSS they made it very important to know how to collaborate. Collaboration is when you have to work with someone, know how to compromise with each other and improvise when something goes wrong. I always thought this was easy but now I know the truth, collaborating is not always a walk in the park. Therefore, I feel I grew the most this year in collaboration. The skill I think I must grow in more is inquiry. why I chose this is because inquiry is asking asking questions, and researching things to figure out relevant information on what you’re doing. I'm not a fan of asking questions or doing research so if I want to be successful I feel this is what I should work on the most.
This is when I researched everything could about flamingos and zoology to get a sense of what I want to do for a career in the future. To learn more click here.
Genius Hour
What do I need to know about Flamingoes in their migration and mating season in order to prepare myself to become a zoologist or pursue a job that involves animals?
Science !
This is when we did a project where we made models of a geographic location to fully understand Plate Tectonics. Click here to learn more
Plate Tectonics
Physical Education!
We did a project where my partner and I had to work together to get the job done. Click here to find out more.
Self reflection
Language Arts !
This is when I wrote an essay that taught me how to deeply self reflect. Click here to learn more!