Rachel Woodroof
What I grew in 10th Grade
Over the course of the 10th grade I have grown a lot, in multiple subjects. One of them being math. In math this year, I grew in how to understand topics. An example of this would be a math quiz I took over Logarithms. To prepare for this quiz I had worked hard that week getting help and working on Logarithms. That night I went home and genuinely studied for about 2 hours through YouTube, notes and an expansion/condensing worksheet we got that week. I discovered a new study method I found extremely helpful was Mathway. This is an algebra calculator that helps solve equations, but it is a helpful study tool. I learned that I find it easier to process the steps to an equation if I have the answer first. I can break down how to do it by looking at the answer.
After my night of studying, I took the quiz and passed with only two missed points. This is because of everything I had done in class and out of class. When we got into Logarithms, we received a worksheet for practice and worked on it in class. Filling it out was optional but I had completely finished it and understood so I could work all the problems. It was practicing, paying attention and taking notes that I was able to understand LOGs. This is how I grew in math this year.
The next class I grew in was PE. During PE this year, we covered many things like mental illness, diseases and addictions. At the end of the unit we had to write a paper over everything we knew and learned though that course. We were assigned to write a paper on whether or not we agreed with the legal drinking age. By writing the paper, we also incorporated everything we learned about addiction and its effect on a person. The paper had to be 3 pages long, cited and argumentative stance on whichever side we took. We wrote the paper in complete APA format and research was necessary in advance. The side I chose was that I don’t disagree with the age limit, I believe it is fine where it is and that we shouldn’t change it. So during this assignment I had to focus in on my time management and develop a strategy to get it done.
Evidence to show how I grew in this would be the research I did, this is a visual representation of what I learned. My final essay, which is generally showing that I did it and through reading it the amount of thought I put into it. Then also my first draft to show my progression throughout the whole thing, and how my final paper turned out. My paper shows it was not a rush job and that I put a lot effort into it. I was able to accomplish this feat of 3 full pages, detail, research and incorporate other opinions from the research and developed a rebuttal supporting my argument.
Lastly, this year I grew in history. In history class 3rd quarter, we did The Red Book project. This is helping me develop a strong sense of memorization and a method to memorizing things. The red book project is supposed to represent communism and to teach what the communist states were like back in the late 1900s. The point is as we learn about the history of communism we write down notes and quotes in the red books from main communist leaders in Russia and China. Evidence of this project and how I grew would be the handouts in class proving I continued to learn about communism and historical events. The red book itself to show what it was and how I did it. Inside the Red Book it also contains notes over everything we covered. The Red Book, by the end of this project will be full to the brim of quotes and facts; evidence I kept up with my workload. In addition, the final grade will show how I was able to complete the assignment. The class communal grade will determine how well each student (communist) remembered the information and create our individual grades from there on how well I remembered the info.