Rachel Woodroof
My P.E reflection
In physical education, this year we learned about all different ways and things we should and shouldn’t do to our bodies, and health. We began Wellness/Fitness learning about drugs, and prescription opioids. To be honest I was actually excited to learn about this. I had heard of all different types of things that have been happening lately, but never really understood how bad it all was. So to learn about them we did a project with our peers. This year in physical education I feel I have grown the most in my collaboration, my ability to work with others and get the job done.
As we were learning about opioids, and different types of drugs the assignment we had to do was where we had to make a poem, comic or billboard to raise awareness throughout our school, and test how well we understand the content being taught. Before the project, we had to brainstorm about it but not like just writing down ideas, we had sheets to fill out. In this packet, it had white boxes that we were supposed to draw pictures in to show our plans for that layout. It was a total of three pages long, and above each box it told us what it was for, and then you would draw/write a rough draft of it. We were assigned partners, one each, and since everyone had done the brainstorm/packet each group had two to go off. Most groups combined their ideas, but for me I really liked my partner’s idea way better than mine, so we went with it.
Now that we had our brainstorm down and a set idea, we began to work on our final. It went really smooth for us, since our design was the billboard layout, and quite simple. First what we did was make a rough draft in the size scale it was going to be. Once we were done with that, we deliberated about what needed to be changed to improve it, and made those fixes. We really had to tap into our resources for this project because we both had a picture in our minds of exactly what we wanted it to look like, and meet the requirements. One place where we thought it was over for us was when we realized we had been making just a physical copy (on paper) when the rubric said it must be digital somehow. Now you might be thinking what’s wrong with that just scan it in, well the problem was the scanner at school was down and neither my partner or I had one at home. Right then and there we just sort of sat and panicked quietly, until we realized we had friends with scanners at home and asked if they could scan it for us.
At DRSS we do a lot of projects and it teaches us how to collaborate well with others. I can use this skill for future years at DRSS and in my career. I learned how to improvise with the issues that may happen and compromise with my partner to work things out. This will be significant for me to know so that when I am either working a job with other people or in school working with my peers I will be able to work with them to improve and accomplish our goals.